Lifting is the common name for a number of cosmetic procedures aimed at tightening the skin. This includes a wide range of non-invasive methods, from plastic surgery and medication (injections) to apparatus therapy.
According to cosmetologists and people who use lifting equipment for rejuvenation, it is one of the few non-surgical methods of effective compression that has a long-lasting effect and significantly improves skin health (including anti-inflammatory effect). significant side effects.
As a maintenance therapy for ptosis (ptosis) of the skin areas with the onset of age-related changes, apparatus lifting is indicated in the form of regular short courses for patients over 25 years of age (regardless of gender).
For men, the procedure will help to cope with fat deposits in the chin and neck, to restore the silhouette in case of obesity shingles.
What is radio wave lifting?
RFlifting of the face and body (or RFlifting) is the treatment of age-related changes based on the radio wave method, heating the deeper layers of the skin (dermis and hypodermis) under the epidermis (surface layer).
The essence of the method is that the radio waves have a point effect on the most sensitive areas, which are characterized by cellulite and cysts, ie age-related concussions. These are areas of the face - forehead, temples, cheeks, nasolabial triangle, jaw and neck to shield-like cartilage; and torso - abdomen, inner thighs, sides (above the iliac pelvis). Radiofrequency lifting of the whole body is also used.
As a result of deep heating to different temperatures (depending on the area and sensitivity of the skin), the fatty layer becomes thinner, the blood vessels reflexively dilate, and the metabolism in the skin accelerates by accelerating blood flow. But the main thing is the transformations that take place with collagen: it changes its structure - the long-stretched fibers that connect the dermis and epidermis are reduced, and the skin regains firmness and elasticity. After 21 days, new collagen, which has a long-lasting effect, begins to be produced intensively.
As a result, the "flights" are noticeably tightened, the eyebrows are raised, the nasolabial folds are less pronounced, acne scars and stretch marks are smoothed and reduced. The orange peel effect disappears. The skin becomes more elastic to the touch, the complexion is evened out: the shadows under the eyes become brighter, the yellow color is replaced by pink.
The RF face and body lift procedure can be performed in different modes depending on the type and parameters of the device. The difference is in the power (and temperature at the skin) and the polarity of the device.
- Monopolar.Works evenly on selected skin layers at the same depthIt has the strongest effect and, accordingly, the highest temperature (50-60OC). This device should not be used on thin skin areas, including areas around the eyes (crow's feet only). It is very suitable for the treatment of cellulite as part of the formation of the body
- Bipolar.Polarity can be changed to reduce power and temperature (up to 45).OC), so the device is suitable for delicate areas. Does not create a magnetic field
- Tripolar (three-pole).The latest generation of lifting devices with constant polarity change. The softest mode with the lowest temperature and the highest processing speed. Suitable for all skin types (even for RF eye lifting), can be used on the whole body. Completely painless
RF and thermolifting - what is the difference?
Thermolifting (termge) is most often called high-strength RF body lifting (ie performed by a monopolar apparatus). Temperature effects reach 60OC. Controlled skin damage by thermolifting causes a stronger immune response, so edema is more likely to occur after the procedure.
Thermolifting properties:
- Good results in the treatment of deep fat deposits (this method allows the penetration of radio waves up to 40 mm), but limited coverage (can not be used to treat the eyes due to the risk of damage to the tissues of the eyeball)
- A short course of the procedure, but the likelihood of discomfort is high
- A long list of contraindications
RF lifting features:
- Versatility
- Less energy
- Lack of sensation and side effects
- Longer therapy
- The need for repeat courses arises 1-2 times a year
- Non-invasive. The procedure does not leave scars and does not create potentially dangerous conditions for health (prerequisites for allergic reactions, infection, blood loss)
- Does not require special training, rehabilitation and adherence to lifelong diets or other restrictive rules
- All seasonal. As the epidermis is not involved in the process, there are no restrictions for the procedure in the summer
- Effectiveness in different age groups, regardless of gender. It is equally well tolerated by men and women between the ages of 25 and menopause
- Fast moving. The result is not only visible after one procedure, but also is completed during the course and intensifies over time (long-term effect)
- The accuracy of the stroke allows you to process strictly defined areas
- Suitable for all body
- Can be used in complex rejuvenation schemes
Who fits
The RFlifting procedure has its own indications and limitations. Recommended:
- Maintain skin tone until the first signs of fatigue and aging appear (but not earlier than 25 years)
- At the first signs of tissue ptosis (drooping eyelids, the appearance of "flights" under the eyes, "bags")
- Body shaping, for facial contours
- As anti-cellulite therapy (as a means of combating obesity in the neck, double chin)
- As part of a rejuvenation complex
- To tighten the skin after rapid weight loss
- Reduces acne scars to improve skin turgor with overall laxity
- stretch marks (stretch marks of various etiologies)
- Expression lines and twists
- Couperosis of the face and legs
- Connective tissue diseases
- Acute period of viral or bacterial infection, exacerbation of chronic diseases
- Pregnancy, lactation or menstruation
- Availability of prostheses, implants (including gold reinforcement), pacemakers
- A patient receiving a Botox injection at the same time
- High blood pressure or severe hypertension
- Wounds, eczema, active inflammation of the skin
- Oncological diseases
- Any type of diabetes
- Under 25 years old
How it is done
- Before the procedure, the patient should not apply cosmetics - the skin should be dry and clean. Men should shave thoroughly. It is not recommended to wear contact lenses when working with eyelids and eye area
- In a beauty salon or clinic, the client is placed comfortably on the couch and covered with a disposable sheet. The hair is gathered under the hat
- First, the skin is peeled for deep cleansing.
- Then apply a hypoallergenic (neutral) conductive gel
- While massaging the skin at the same time, the cosmetologist begins to drive the device (manipulator) along strictly defined lines in the treated area.
- At the end of the procedure, the skin is washed and a nourishing mask is applied to the face
The exposure mode is selected individually according to the characteristics of the skin, the area of treatment and the desired effect. Painful sensations are rare - during manipulation, the client may experience tingling sensations of more or less intensity, an increase in body surface temperature in the area where the device is used.
Before going to a beauty salon, you should consult a dermatologist about the contraindications.
Side effects and recommendations after the session
Immediately after the RF lifting session, the veins dilate and fill with blood. As a result, redness of the treated area, a feeling of warmth and a local increase in temperature are possible. These symptoms go away on their own within a day or two.
In the evening, a small swelling may appear, which does not require intervention. When working on large areas of the body to eliminate cellulite, it would be appropriate to combine RF lifting with lymphatic drainage.
A rare long-term complication of the procedure is skin fibrosis (abnormal proliferation of connective tissue as a result of excessive stimulation). The procedure occurs when it is abused or when the cosmetologist does not regularly follow the temperature regime and duration of exposure.
Therefore, when choosing this method of rejuvenation, you should strictly follow the recommended intervals between sessions, carefully choose the clinic, pay attention to the specialty and rating of the doctor.
On the first day after the session, the client should avoid:
- Bath visits
- Gym
- Solarium
How often should the procedure be performed
Radiofrequency lifting has a long-term effect, so it is enough to repeat the course 1-2 times a year. Each course will consist of approximately 4 sessions of 15-20 minutes for clients under the age of 50 (depending on the regimen and body area, the session can be extended to 2 hours) and approximately 6-8 procedures for menopausal clients. Changes in hormonal levels lead to more persistent skin changes.
At least 10 days should elapse between the procedures of a course (this interval can be increased to two weeks, but cannot be reduced).
Advantages of the procedure in a professional clinic:
- Innovative technologies - tricolor RF lifting: painless gentle complex effect
- Experienced cosmetologists and physiotherapists
- Consult a dermatologist before the procedure
- Wide range of cosmetic services
- Individual selection of complex anti-aging programs